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Looking back, looking forward: The Korea Herald celebrates 20,000 issues

For 65 years, The Korea Herald has been delivering news about the Korean Peninsula to global readers.

In breaking stories, exclusives, probing features and newer formats like photo and video news, the paper has continuously strived to offer accurate and thought-provoking insights into the country and its people.

In celebration of the daily’s 20,000th edition, The Korea Herald looks back on its dynamic history to find inspiration on moving forward.

Looking ahead
On Friday, The Korea Herald publishes its 20,000th issue, marking a precious milestone in the nation’s English-language journalism. While we take immense pride in having served our valued readers at home and abroad without any interruption for nearly 65 years, we renew our commitment to continue to fulfill our mission of being a window between Korea and the world. 

[Graphic News] The world's leading newspapers of history
How many issues a newspaper has published reflects the print media's history.
Global newspaper giant the New York Times boasts a long history and reputation.
But there are few newspapers in Korea that have reached the 30,000th issue because they need to publish for nearly 100 years to hit the number. 

Congratulatory messages from political leaders and policymakers
President Moon Jae-in and National Assembly speaker Chung Sye-kyun as well as the charpersons of the political parties in Korea have sent congratulatory messages for The Korea Herald's 20,000th edition

Congratulatory messages from business leaders and diplomats on The Korea Herald's 20,000th edition
Business decision makers of South Korea and diplomats sent congratulatory messages for The Korea Herald's 20,000th edition. 

[Herald Interview] ‘Traditional media the only source of reliable information’
World-renowned French intellect and author Guy Sorman has been a longtime observer of Korea -- and at times its sharp critic. 

Three cheers for The Korea Herald!
Sincere praise and congratulations are due to The Korea Herald, which is currently celebrating its print-run of 20,000 copies. The internationally-famed English language newspaper is an undisputed window onto the world for Korean readers, and a no less valuable source of news about Korea for foreign readers.

[Herald Interview] ‘Korea Herald holds unique value in promoting Korea to outside world’
Yun, 81, was at the forefront of when South Korea was building itself from the ashes of 1950-53 Korean War. Looking back on his three decades in journalism, Yun said that The Korea Herald holds a unique value as a window between the country and the outside world.

The Korea Herald expands presence on YouTube

The Korea Herald’s videos range from major domestic and international events such as the recent historic summit between the leaders of South and the North Korea, the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympic and Paralympic Games and press conferences from the latest K-pop releases to new TV shows and movies here. 

Stay updated on news with The Korea Herald’s social media platforms

To keep up with the fast-paced news cycle, The Korea Herald provides the latest news and multimedia content via social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

The Korea Herald goes beyond breaking the language barrier

To me, as an avid reader that has become a reporter of The Korea Herald, each paper delivered is more than just foreign language material. It goes without saying that the English-language articles are proofread in a multilayered process before being published. The Korea Herald’s editorial team comprises staff who are bilingual and strive to deliver the nuances of Korean and English. But more importantly, The Korea Herald is a local media outlet with a history of following journalism principles. 

Longtime reader recommends The Korea Herald for both youth and retirees
Upon reaching the 20,000th issue of The Korea Herald, one of our faithful readers shared why he has been reading the paper and offered personal tips on effective reading.