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Singer-turned-designer Im Sang A splits with American husband

Im Sang A, Jamie Propp, and their only daughter appear on a Korean television reality show. (SBS)
Im Sang A, Jamie Propp, and their only daughter appear on a Korean television reality show. (SBS)

Former Korean pop diva Im Sang A put an end to her 13-year marriage with her American husband Jamie Propp, online celebrity news outlet OSEN reported on Wednesday.

“Im Sang A divorced the music producer Jamie Propp, whom she married back in 2001,” OSEN reported. The former partners have one daughter.

The precise date of and reason for the separation remain unknown. Critics believe that the divorce took place recently, since Im and Propp appeared in multiple Korean television shows together in 2010 to talk about their happy married life.

Propp’s wealth and influence reportedly contributed greatly to Im’s dramatic leap from singer to bag designer and the launch of her brand, Sang-A. A number of Hollywood stars and divas, including Beyonce, Jessica Simpson, Brooke Shields and Rihanna, have been seen holding Sang-A bags. 
