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[팟캐스트] (433) 청소년 방역 패스 2월 적용에 반대 확산 / 유제품의 새로운 대안으로 떠오르는 귀리 우유


진행자: 박준희, Naomi Garyan

1. Korea to stick to expanding ‘vaccine pass’ to youths

기사 요약: 2월에 적용될 청소년 방역패스에 대한 반대 여론이 확산되고 있다

[1] Despite some hiccups, the Korean government will go forward with its plan to implement a “vaccine pass” system for teenagers aged 12 to 18 from February.

* hiccups - 작은 실수 혹은 차질이 생겼을 때, 딸꾹질
* go forward with - ~를 진행시키다
* Implement – 시행하다

[2] The Korea Diseases Control and Prevention Agency said teenagers born between 2003 and 2009 will be allowed to go to private cram schools, cinemas and PC rooms only when they are fully vaccinated from February.

* between - ~ 사이/중간에
* private cram school – 학원
* fully vaccinated – 접종이 완료된

[3] Authorities said teenagers who have the first shots now will be able to complete the vaccination before Feb. 1. Pfizer takes a total of five weeks from the first inoculation to be fully administered.

* authorities – 당국
* administered - 투여하다

[4] An online petition uploaded to the Blue House website on Nov. 26 calling for the government to not to implement the vaccine pass system has been supported by some 240,000 people as of Monday.

* petition – 청원
* to call for something - ~을 요구하다

기사 원문:

2. Got oat milk? New dairy alternative takes hold in Korea

기사 요약: 비싸지는 원유 가격과 친환경 소비에 대한 욕구로 유제품의 새로운 대안으로 떠오르는 귀리 우유

[1] Coffee chains, food companies and the milk industry are seeing oat milk as a new alternative to dairy, as the industry tries to appeal to a growing number of health-conscious consumers and the budding vegan trend in South Korea.

* alternative – 대안
* appeal to - ~에 호소하다
* budding – 떠오르는

[2] While oat milk is considered a common alternative to typical dairy milk in countries like the United States and Europe, the drink is relatively new here in Korea.

* considered – 여겨지는
* dairy – 유제품

[3] In a country where some 75 percent of the population are lactose intolerant, milk producers both small and large are coming up with their own versions of the plant-based dairy alternative.

* lactose intolerant - 유당불내증 (유당 소화를 못하는)
* come up with - 무언가를 생각해 내다, 떠올리다

[4] Industry insiders predict the market for oat milk will expand further in the future, with more Korean consumers choosing to make value-conscious consumption and an overall drop in the population drinking dairy milk in the country.

* predict – 예측하다
* value-conscious consumption – 가치 소비


기사 원문:

[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]

네이버 오디오 클립(아이폰, 안드로이드 겸용):

팟빵 (안드로이드):

By Park Jun-hee (