Directed by Kim Chang-hoon, the film revolves around Yun-kyu, who wants to escape from his everyday struggles. One day, Yun-kyu meets a crime organization’s underboss Chi-gun (Song) and becomes involved in risky situations.
“I am glad to be part of the ‘Hwaran’ project, and I also have mixed feelings about this new film as it is a challenge for me. I am excited to be at the filming site with passionate actors and director,” Song said in a statement.
Rookie actor Hong Sa-bin, who has left a strong impression in a number of short films, including “On Leave” directed by Kim Kun-hwi and “Save Me” directed by Ku Ji-yoon, plays Yun-kyu.
Solo K-pop artist BiBi, who kicked off her acting career last year in horror movie “Whispering Corridors 6: The Humming,” directed by Lee Mi-young, stars as Yun-kyu's sister.