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Korea CQ Club hosts alumni gathering

The Corea Image Communications Institute held a reception at the Indonesian Embassy on Tuesday, which marked the graduation of the Korea Culture Quotient Club’s 19th class.

Indonesian Ambassador John Prasetio and his wife Alexandra, new Indian Ambassador Vikram Doraiswami and his wife Sangeeta, new Singaporean Ambassador Wei Kiat Yip, Malaysian Ambassador Rohana Ramli, Turkish Ambassador Arslan Hakan Okcal, Austrian Ambassador Elisabeth Bertagnoli, Irish Ambassador Aingeal O’Donoghue, Spanish Ambassador Gonzalo Ortiz and his wife Ana Cosmen, Kuwaiti Ambassador Jasem Albudaiwi, congresswoman Jasmine Lee, among other prominent business leaders, lawyers and journalists, participated.

Many participants wore clothes in red and white ― the colors of Indonesian flag ― and sang songs together and individually in turns. A number of raffle draws were held with various prizes. 

Indian Ambassador Vikram Doraiswami, Turkish Ambassador Arslan Hakan Okcal, Malaysian Ambassador Rohana Ramli, Austrian Ambassador Elisabeth Bertagnoli, CICI president Choi Jung-hwa, Indonesian Ambassador John Prasetio, Spanish Ambassador Gonzalo Ortiz, congresswoman Jasmine Lee, Singaporean Ambassador Wei Kiat Yip and Kuwaiti Ambassador Jasem Albudaiwi pose at a reception at the Indonesian Embassy on Tuesday organized by the Korea CQ Club. (Joel Lee/The Korea Herald)
Indian Ambassador Vikram Doraiswami, Turkish Ambassador Arslan Hakan Okcal, Malaysian Ambassador Rohana Ramli, Austrian Ambassador Elisabeth Bertagnoli, CICI president Choi Jung-hwa, Indonesian Ambassador John Prasetio, Spanish Ambassador Gonzalo Ortiz, congresswoman Jasmine Lee, Singaporean Ambassador Wei Kiat Yip and Kuwaiti Ambassador Jasem Albudaiwi pose at a reception at the Indonesian Embassy on Tuesday organized by the Korea CQ Club. (Joel Lee/The Korea Herald)

The Korea CQ Club’s 19th class, which launched in February, organized a variety of cultural activities to bond members and promote Korea at home and abroad.

At the opening reception at the French Embassy in Seoul, members participated in making and playing traditional Korean folk game “jegi-chagi,” which involves kicking a metal coin wrapped in paper to keep it in the air, and enjoyed French cuisine.

In March, members tried Korean dishes at restaurant Bicena in Seoul, and visited the Korea Furniture Museum and Pil-dong Street Museum in Seoul.

In April, they had an opportunity to listen to a lecture on the “Korean Wave Hallyu” by musical producer Song Seung-hwan at the Turkish Ambassador’s residence, which was accompanied by Turkish cuisine. 

(Joel Lee/The Korea Herald)
(Joel Lee/The Korea Herald)

The Korea CQ Club also organized a trip to Busan, as well as a pottery-making event at Yido China Gallery in Seoul.

In May, members visited the HanGwa Cultural Museum in Pocheon to make traditional Korean sweet Han-gwa ― a deep-fried sweet rice cake. They listened to a lecture by artist Choi Duk-joo, who showed how to create a traditional Korean patchwork at the Austrian embassy.

For the club’s 20th class, which will run from Aug.25-Dec. 1, the CICI will organize a variety of events, including a cultural reception at the Westin Chosun Hotel, Korean food-tasting event, classical music performance, autumn trip, visit to the Institut Pasteur, pottery and cooking classes, lecture by the Google Korea director, wine-tasting event, photography trip, as well as sports activities.

By Joel Lee (