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스텔스폭격기 B-2, 한반도서 폭격훈련 첫 확인

 B-2 한반도 출격 (평택=연합뉴스) 신영근 기자 = 미군의 스텔스 전략폭격기인 B-2(스피릿)가 28일 오후 평택 오산미공군기지 상공을 저공비행하고 있다. 군 소식통은 미 본토에서 출격한 스텔스 폭격기 B-2가 이날 국내의 한 사격장에 세워진 가상의 목표물을 타격하는 훈련을 했다고 밝혔다. 2013.3.28 14:36:57/
B-2 한반도 출격 (평택=연합뉴스) 신영근 기자 = 미군의 스텔스 전략폭격기인 B-2(스피릿)가 28일 오후 평택 오산미공군기지 상공을 저공비행하고 있다. 군 소식통은 미 본토에서 출격한 스텔스 폭격기 B-2가 이날 국내의 한 사격장에 세워진 가상의 목표물을 타격하는 훈련을 했다고 밝혔다. 2013.3.28 14:36:57/

미군의 스텔스 전략폭격기 B-2(스피릿) 2대가 28일 한반도로 전개돼 폭격 훈련을 실시했다. 이 훈련은 북한이 미국 본토를 포함한 미군 기지를 타격할 수 있다고 위협하며 포병부대에 “전투업무태세 1호” 명령을 내린 지 이틀 만에 진행된 것으로 북한에 대한 경고성 메시지로 분석된다.

미 본토 미주리주 화이트맨 공군기지에서 전날 밤 출격한 B-2 폭격기 2대는 공중급유를 받으며 1만 500㎞를 비행, 이날 정오를 전후해 한반도에 도착해 임무를 수행한 뒤 복귀했다.

주한미군 측은 “한국에서 진행되고 있는 독수리 연습의 일환으로 장거리 왕복 임무차 B-2 폭격기 2대가 한국으로 전개됐다”며 “대한민국 방어를 위한 미국의 역량과 공약을 과시하고 아시아•태평양지역 내 동맹국에 대한 확장억제력을 제공했다” 고 밝혔다.

B-2기 훈련은 오늘 오전 한미 국방장관이 첫 전화통화를 한 후에 실시 되었다. 김관진 국방장관과 척 헤이글 미 국방장관은 흔들리지 않는 한미동맹을 재확인하였다. 헤이글 장관은 확장억제를 포함한 미국의 한반도 안보공약은 흔들림이 없다고 강조했다.

B-2가 전개되기에 앞서, 미군은 전략폭격기인 B-52와 6천900t급 핵잠수함인 샤이엔(Cheyenne) 의 훈련 참여 사실을 이미 공개한 바 있다. 연이은 전략무기 공개를 통해 북한에 대한 강력한 메시지를 보내고 있는 것이다.

북한은 B-52 폭격기의 최근 한반도 전개와 관련, “전략폭격기가 조선반도에 다시 출격한다면 적대세력은 강력한 군사적 대응을 면치 못하게 될 것”이라고 위협한 바 있다.

(코리아 헤럴드 송상호 기자)

<관련 영문 기사>

B-2 stealth bomber conduct firing drills on peninsula

By Song Sang-ho

Two U.S. B-2 stealth bombers carried out firing drills over the peninsula openly for the first time on Thursday in an apparent warning to North Korea after it threatened to strike U.S. targets and its allies.

The centerpiece of the U.S. Air Force’s long-range strike arsenal from Whiteman Air Force Base in Missouri came here as part of the ongoing allied Foal Eagle field training exercise, the Combined Forces Command here said in a press release.

The U.S. Strategic Command sent the bombers to demonstrate the U.S.’ commitment and capability to defend South Korea and provide extended deterrence to its allies in the Asia-Pacific region, it said.

They flew over the Osan U.S. Air Force base in Pyeongtaek, Gyeonggi Province.

The bombers’ participation in the Foal Eagle drills that continue to the end of this month came just hours after Seoul’s Defense Minister Kim Kwan-jin and U.S. Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel had their first telephone exchanges.

During the bilateral talks, the two defense chiefs reaffirmed the strength of the alliance. Hagel highlighted the “steadfast” U.S. commitment to the peninsula’s security including “extended deterrence capabilities,” according to Pentagon spokesperson George Little.

Extended deterrence refers to the U.S.’ stated commitment to deterring military threats to its key Asian ally of South Korea, including those from nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction.

The new Pentagon chief also pointed to the recently signed joint counter-provocation plan as a mechanism to enhance bilateral consultation and coordination of the allies’ responses to North Korean aggression.

This mission by two B-2 Spirit bombers, assigned to the 509th Bomb Wing, involved flying more than 6,500 miles to Korea, dropping inert munitions on the Jik Do Range in Gunsan, North Jeolla Province, and returning to the U.S. in a single, continuous mission, the CFC said.

Before the “B-2 Sprit” bombers joined the exercise, another strategic U.S. asset, the B-52 aircraft, along with the 6,900-ton nuclear-powered Cheyenne submarine carried out training missions several times here on the peninsula this month.

Referring to the B-52 bomber as a threat to its nation’s “sovereignty and highest dignity,” North Korea’s Supreme Command said Tuesday it would put its missile and strategic artillery units at the highest level of combat readiness.

The North’s top command also enumerated specific targets such as the U.S. mainland, Hawaii and Guam and other U.S. bases in the Pacific region, not to mention South Korea, ratcheting up tension aggravated by its recent missile and nuclear tests.

The B-2 is one of the most robust aircraft in the world with its capabilities demonstrated in several combat scenarios such as Operation Iraqi Freedom. It can fly more than 6,000 nautical miles without refueling and more than 10,000 nautical miles with just one aerial refueling. Northrop Grumman is the B-2 prime contractor.

The stealth aircraft can carry more than 15 nuclear bombs as well as long-range Joint Air-to-Surface Standoff Missiles, medium-range precision-guided weapons such as the Joint Standoff Weapon, and Joint Direct Attack Munition.

Twenty-one aircraft were built for the original B-2 fleet. Today, the fleet consists of 20 aircraft, following the loss of one in February 2008 in a crash while taking off from Andersen Air Force Base in Guam.

The guided air-to-surface missile mounted on the B-2 bomber is one of the key assets for the U.S. nuclear umbrella that includes submarine-launched ballistic missiles and intercontinental ballistic missiles.

Meanwhile, Seoul plans to introduce Guided Bomb Unit-28, better known as bunker busters, in May. The weapons are capable of destroying North Korea’s underground nuclear and missile-related facilities.

“Washington has recently approved the export of the GBU-28, which it had banned. The military plans to import it sometime in May and deploy it within this year,” a military official told media, declining to be named.

The military sought to introduce it late last year, but could not push for it due to the U.S. approval-related issues. With a budget of some 70 billion won ($62 million), around 200 bunker busters will be introduced to be mounted on fighter jets such as the F-15K.

