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S. Korea dismisses concerns over Xi-Abe meeting

South Korea dismissed concerns Thursday that this week's meeting between the Chinese and Japanese leaders could lead to South Korea's isolation in the region.

On Wednesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe held a summit on the sidelines of an Asian-African conference under way in Jakarta, Indonesia.

The meeting sparked concern in South Korea that the two neighbors could draw closer amid Seoul and Tokyo's chilled ties over historical and territorial issues.

"As the chair of trilateral cooperation between South Korea, Japan and China, we have led efforts to restore cooperation among (the three countries) and have been working to realize a trilateral summit at an early date," Foreign Ministry spokesman Noh Kwang-il said in a regular press briefing. "If relations between Japan and China improve, this would be of help to these efforts of ours."

Relations between Japan and China, and those between South Korea and Japan are not a zero-sum game in which a gain for one translates into a loss for the other, he said. (Yonhap)
