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Nigeria to host world banking conference

International delegates at the 21st World Conference of Banking Institutes in Seoul unanimously voted last week that Nigeria would host the next conference in Lagos in 2017.

The WCBI is a biennial event established in 1975 to foster the education and training of financial services personnel around the world.

Over 50 personnel from 25 countries and 35 financial institutes along with 70 Korean workers participated in the event at the Westin Chosun hotel in Seoul under the theme “financial innovation through talent development.”

“This approval underscores the confidence of all financial service training organizations in the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria to ensure high-quality education,” CIBN president Debola Osibogun told The Korea Herald.

“It has further strengthened the resolve of the Nigerian Federal Government, Bankers’ Committee, Central Bank of Nigeria, Nigeria Deposit Insurance Corporation and other regulatory institutions to successfully host the event.” 

Delegates from the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria pose with Korea Banking Institute president Lee Jang-yung (center) at the 21st World Conference of Banking Institutes in Seoul on Tuesday. (Joel Lee/The Korea Herald)
Delegates from the Chartered Institute of Bankers of Nigeria pose with Korea Banking Institute president Lee Jang-yung (center) at the 21st World Conference of Banking Institutes in Seoul on Tuesday. (Joel Lee/The Korea Herald)

Osibogun said the CIBN will put in place all the required steps to help participating members derive the maximum benefits. The conference will focus on talent management, knowledge sharing and networking, institutional governance, collaboration with other professions and bilateral relations.

The CIBN is Africa’s leading banking institution with over 107,000 general members and 1,000 corporate members. It is an umbrella organization for all banks and bankers in the country, and promotes professionalism and ethics in the financial industry.

By Joel Lee (