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Korean envoy receives Polish medal

A former South Korean ambassador to Poland received a special medal during a reception at the Polish ambassador’s residence in Seoul on July 11.

Polish Ambassador to South Korea Krzysztof Ignacy Majka presented former South Korean Ambassador to Poland Peak Young-sun with the Commander’s Cross with Star of the Order of Merit at a reception at the ambassador’s residence in Seongbuk-dong, Seoul.

Peak received the medal for his work in the lead up to a state visit by Polish President Bronislaw Komorowski in October 2013.
Former South Korean Ambassador to Poland Peak Young-sun (left) speaks at a reception at which he received the Commander’s Cross with Star of the Order of Merit from Polish Ambassador to South Korea Krzysztof Ignacy Majka (right) at Majka’s residence in Seoul on July 11. (Polish Embassy)
Former South Korean Ambassador to Poland Peak Young-sun (left) speaks at a reception at which he received the Commander’s Cross with Star of the Order of Merit from Polish Ambassador to South Korea Krzysztof Ignacy Majka (right) at Majka’s residence in Seoul on July 11. (Polish Embassy)

Peak’s “superior interpersonal skills, knowledge, experience, diplomatic professionalism and dynamic leadership (had) greatly contributed to the strengthening of bilateral relations between Poland and Korea in many sectors of political, economic, security and cultural activities,” the embassy said in a statement.

“Although Poland and Korea are, in geographical terms, far away countries, through the dedicated and committed mission of Ambassador Peak, we have become much closer to each other in understanding our cultures and developing friendly relations for the benefit of our nations,” Ambassador Majka said.

During the Polish president’s visit last year, a Declaration on Strategic Partnership was inked between the two countries.

The Commander’s Cross is the second-highest level of recognition a foreigner can receive for contributing to bilateral diplomatic relations. Only the Grand Cross of the Order of Merit is higher.

The medal is bestowed by the president of Poland on foreigners as well as Polish citizens living abroad “who by their activities have made outstanding contributions to international cooperation and to bonds between the Republic of Poland and other nations and countries.” As such, the medal is often referred to as a traditional “diplomatic order,” the embassy said.
