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Korea, Oman celebrate 40 years of friendship

Omani Ambassador to South Korea Mohamed Salim Alharthy marked 40 years of diplomatic relations between his country and South Korea with government officials, the diplomatic community and participants in town for a global energy conference during a gala dinner in Seoul on Tuesday.

The participation of the conference delegates served to underscore just how important billions of dollars in annual gas imports are for the nations’ two-way ties. South Korea has become the world’s second-largest buyer of liquefied natural gas and the Korea Gas Corporation is the company that buys the most LNG globally. 
Omani Ambassador to South Korea Mohamed Salim Alharthy (second from right) poses with Korean VIPs during “Omani Night” at a hotel in Seoul on Tuesday. From left: Rep. Ahn Hong-joon of Saenuri Party, chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee in the National Asembly; Lee Beom-hee, vice-chairman and CEO of LG International; Alharthy; and Yu Myung-hwan, chairman of Daeyang Foundation. (Philip Iglauer/The Korea Herald)
Omani Ambassador to South Korea Mohamed Salim Alharthy (second from right) poses with Korean VIPs during “Omani Night” at a hotel in Seoul on Tuesday. From left: Rep. Ahn Hong-joon of Saenuri Party, chairman of the Foreign Affairs and Unification Committee in the National Asembly; Lee Beom-hee, vice-chairman and CEO of LG International; Alharthy; and Yu Myung-hwan, chairman of Daeyang Foundation. (Philip Iglauer/The Korea Herald)

Korea imports its LNG from Oman, Indonesia, Malaysia and Qatar. It is now the largest buyer after Japan.

“It is also fortunate that this year marks the 40th anniversary of the cordial relation between Oman and Korea. On this occasion Oman Embassy is embarking on a series of events throughout the year,” Alharthy said in a welcoming speech.

KOGAS hosted the Gastech Conference and Exhibition at KINTEX in Goyang City, Gyeonggi Province, from March 24-27. The conference is one of the world’s three biggest energy confabs, along with the World Gas Conference and the LNG Conference.

But Tuesday’s gala also focused on Omani culture, as well as its traditional garb and food. Plenty of frankincense was on hand, and the embassy’s Korean staff was decked out in traditional Omani outfits.

An impromptu tent was erected outside the banquet hall and a professional artist created elaborate henna drawings on the hands and arms of curious Korean youths.

“Tonight, we will embark … on a virtual journey to Oman where you will enjoy and experience some touches of the Omani culture,” Alharthy said.

By Philip Iglauer (