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Danish prime minister to visit Korea next week

Danish Prime Minister Helle Thorning-Schmidt will visit South Korea next week for summit talks with President Park Geun-hye about increasing cooperation in green growth, trade and investment and other areas, the presidential office said Monday.

Thorning-Schmidt will arrive in South Korea on March 5 for a four-day official visit. Accompanying her will be a 68-member economic delegation, which will be Denmark’s largest-ever and seek business cooperation with South Korean firms.

The Danish leader is scheduled to hold talks with Park on March

7 about ways to strengthen bilateral relations and bolster cooperation in green growth, trade and investment, culture and healthcare areas, the presidential office said in a statement.

Park and Thorning-Schmidt are the first female leaders of their respective countries.

Her trip will come in the form of returning a visit to Denmark by South Korean Prime Minister Chung Hong-won in October last year.

She is also scheduled to hold talks with Chung and attend a banquet hosted by him for her. (Yonhap)