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French Embassy brings Gallic movies to Seoul audiences

The Cine France film series organized by the French Embassy’s Institut Francais continues this month with Gallic film favorites showing every Tuesday at the Art Nine Theater in southern Seoul.

This Tuesday, Cine France screens “The Nun” (2013), in which a young woman is made to believe an illegitimate child must atone for the sin of her mother by becoming a nun, but when her kind hearted abbess dies, she considers breaking her vows.

On Jan. 28, Cine France turns to the sci-fi head trip “Vanishing Waves,” a futuristic reality-bending romance in the vein of “Solaris.”

A rom-com for the holidays, “Happiness Never Comes Alone” starring Sophie Marceau, was screened last week.

Institut Francais organizes Cine France to bring French films to Korean moviegoers every Tuesday. Admission is 8,000 won with a 1,000 won discount available to members.

Art Nine Theater is a theater devoted to independent films that opened in April 2013 in the Sadang-dong neighborhood of southern Seoul near Isu Subway Station.

For more information about screenings and Cine France, visit Institut Francais’ website,
