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Last wishes of girl fighting cancer coming true

A British girl who has been fighting cancer for four years posted her wish list on a blog, bringing about sensation on the Internet.

Alice Pyne wrote “I’m 15 and I have terminal cancer. I’ve created a bucket list because there are so many things I still want to do in my life … some are possible, some will remain a dream.”

Most of her wishes were typical teenage desires, but her first wish was to “make everyone sign up to be a bone morrow donor.”

Others included “to swim with sharks,” “to have a purple Apple iPad,” or “to meet Take That,” a boy band that recently reformed.

Some 7,000 people are following her blog, including celebrities like Rio Ferdinand from Manchester United, and actor Channing Tatum.

The story is spreading as her 12-year-old sister Milly raised about $50,000 for charity by participating in Race For Life. “If more money was put into research, my sister might not be as ill as she is,” Milly told reports.

“I’m off to see Take That his weekend, can you believe it?” Alice said. “Mum always tells me that life is what we make of it and so I’m going to make the best of what I have.”

By Kang, Yoon-seung


Intern reporter

Full “Bucket List”

To make everyone sign up to be a bone marrow donor

To swim with sharks

To go to Kenya (I can’t travel there now but I wanted to)

To enter Mabel in a regional Labrador show

To have a photoshoot with Milly, Clarissa, Sammie and Megs

To have a private cinema party for me and my BFFs

To design an Emma Bridgewater Mug to sell for charity

To stay in a caravan

To have a purple Apple iPad but I’m not really allowed to put that on here and mum is trying to borrow one

To be a dolphin trainer (I can’t do this one either now)

To meet Take That

To go to Cadbury World and eat loads of chocolate

To have a nice picture taken with Mabel

To stay in the chocolate room at Alton Towers

To have my hair done if they can do anything with it

To have a back massage

To go whale watching


<한글 요약>

세계를 울린 15세 암투병소녀, 버킷리스트 공개

암 투병 중인 한 영국 소녀가 죽기 전에 하고 싶은 일들을 자신의 블로그에 올려 전 세계 네티즌들의 화제가 되고 있다.

올해 15세인 Alice Pyne양은 약 4년 전에 암 진단을 받았다. 그 뒤로 병마와 꾸준히 싸웠으나 안타깝게 시한부 인생을 선고 받았다.

Alice양이 제시한 소원은 여타 10대 소녀들과 다를 바 없었으나, “모든 사람들이 골수 기증 서약을 하기”가 가장 처음 나와 사람들의 관심을 모으고 있다.

현재 맨체스터 유나이티드 축구선수 리오 퍼디낸드를 포함하여 약 7000명이 그녀의 블로그에 친구로 추가되어 있다.

한편, 12살인 Alice양의 친동생 Milly는 “삶을 위한 달리기” 마라톤에 참여를 하며 기부금 모으기에 나섰다. “만약 연구에 더 많은 돈이 쓰였다면 언니는 지금처럼 아프지 않았을 것”이라고 그녀는 설명했다.

자신의 소원 중 하나였던 가수 Take That 만나기가 곧 이루어 질 것이라는 Alice양은 “엄마는 인생이란 우리가 만들어가는 것” 이라며 웃음을 보여 감동을 자아내고 있다.