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Ex-officials at law firms obliged to disclose wages

Officials employed as law firm advisors after retiring from mid- and high-level government posts will be forced to disclose their advice fees, the Justice Ministry announced Thursday.

The move is part of efforts to stamp out inappropriate financial and political privileges enjoyed by former public servants.

Under revised regulations announced by the Ministry of Justice, former officials will also have to report to regional bar associations the details of legal they provide to clients and how their salary scales were arranged.

Law firm employees who are ex-civil servants will be subject face disciplinary action should they make false reports.

Officials who hold mid-level positions at ministries, the National Intelligence Service and other government organizations, third-level ones at the Constitutional Court and the military will be subject to the new regulations.

The Financial Supervisory Service, currently under fire for allegedly providing special favors to its retired officials, has also been subject to the new regulations with its mid- and high-level officials having to report their law firm salaries after retirement, if they are hired by law firms.

The revised provisions also ban officials from taking up legal cases related to the government offices for one year after retirement, according to the Justice Ministry.

By Shin Hae-in (