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KOICA expands Saemaul project in Rwanda

The Korean aid agency and the government of North Gyeongsang Province announced the completion of a health center and Saemaul hall in Rwanda.

The construction of the Saemaul Hall and the health center in Kigarama Village started in December 2010.

“I appreciate the support of the Korean government. We will actively cooperate with Korean cooperative projects which are promoted in various areas in Kamonyi, including Saemaul Project,” said Kamonyi Mayor Rutinga Jacques.

Volunteers from North Gyeongsang Province are teaching sewing skills to the members of a women’s association, as well as operating a kindergarten and a “goat bank” to raise funds and increase the standard of living in Kigarama.

The goat bank is a livestock project which is aimed at increasing the villagers’ income.

The KOICA branch in North Gyeongsang Province plans to expand the Saemaul Movement model villages in Rwanda this year and will send 16 additional volunteers in the coming weeks.
