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LG Chem inks patent deal with Japanese battery film maker

LG Chem researchers examine safety reinforced separators at their lab in Daejeon on Sunday. LG Chem
LG Chem researchers examine safety reinforced separators at their lab in Daejeon on Sunday. LG Chem
  LG Chem said Monday that it has inked a patent license deal with Japanese battery film maker UBE MAXELL.
Under the agreement, UBE MAXELL, a joint venture between Ube Industries and Hitachi Maxell, can use LG Chem’s separator film technology, called “safety reinforced separator technology,” using a ceramic coating on battery separators.
The battery separators play a critical role in separating the cathode from the anode.
The patented coating technology helps increase the safety of batteries, including those for electronic vehicles, as it strengthens resistance for thermal deformation and enhances mechanical strength of separators.
“The license agreement will enable the Japanese partner to maintain its lead both in the market for high-performance coating-type separator films, and to boost its presence in the market for lithium-ion battery materials,” an LG official said. 
Since LG Chem registered the patent in the Korean market in 2007 and other global markets including the U.S., China and Japan, it has received many calls for license agreements from global companies, according to the Korean battery maker.
“LG Chem has decided to license the technology to other firms as it thought it could continue maintaining its competitiveness in the world’s battery market even after opening the patents,” said the official, adding “the decision was made for the development of the industry worldwide.”
The LG affiliate said it would strike further licensing deals with other companies down the road.
By Kim Young-won  (