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ASEAN-Korea Centre eyes trade with seminars abroad

A Seoul-based intergovernmental body representing South Korea and Southeast Asian countries held two trade seminars on Thailand and Malaysia, and dispatched trade missions from Seoul to Vietnam and Malaysia, this month in a bid to bolster commercial ties.

The ASEAN-Korea Centre on Nov. 19 dispatched a delegation of 14 experts and business people for a five-day trip to Hanoi, Vietnam, and another group to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, for five days on Sunday.

Organized in cooperation with the Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation, the trade trip was aimed at boosting exchanges and business opportunities by helping Malaysian exporters better understand the South Korean furniture market.

Trade delegates participated in INTRADE 2013, which included trade exhibitions, seminars and business meetings.

The Vietnamese trip was co-organized by the Vietnam Trade Promotion Agency. The trip also sought to expand business opportunities by instructing participants on South Korean agricultural products and the food processing industry.

They participated in a “Korean market access seminar” in which 100 business people learned about major South Korean food producers and distributors, and processing methods.

The center also organized two trade and investment seminars in Seoul that saw delegations from Southeast Asia participate.

The 2013 Investment and Business Environment Seminar on Malaysia was held on Nov. 12 and the 2013 Investment and Business Environment Seminar on Thailand on Nov. 20.
