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Provoking Lego nerds; thief steals $10,000 worth collection

A man was booked without detention for stealing countless Lego collectables from an acquaintance’s home, according to Imsil Police Station of Jeonbuk province.

The victim, known only by his surname Kim, had been devoted to collecting Lego for the last 20 years.

The accused, only known as Chun, became acquainted with Kim and visited his home several times, figuring out that his treasured collection was valuable.

Chun determined to raid the Lego collection, and broke into the house twice while Kim was abroad studying. Along with a companion, the thieves stole 80 Lego collectables worth about $10,000 in total.

The crime was discovered when Kim returned home from vacation to find that the valuables were missing.

By Kang Yoon-seung
Intern reporter


천만원짜리 장난감 레고 도난주의보

(임실=연합뉴스) 김동철 기자 = 전북 임실경찰서는 20일 유학간 선배의 집에 들어가 고가의 장난감을 훔친 혐의(특수절도)로 천모(29)씨 등 2명을 불구속 입건했다.

경찰에 따르면 천씨 등은 지난해 11월께 임실군 운암면 사회선배 김모(31)씨의 집에 침입해 고가의 장난감을 훔치는 등 2차례에 걸쳐 장난감 80종(시가 1천만원 상당)을 절취한 혐의를 받고 있다.

조사 결과 이들은 김씨가 20여년 전부터 비싼 장난감을 수집한다는 사실을 알고 김씨가 유학간 틈을 타 범행한 것으로 드러났다.