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Girl claims she did not brush her teeth for 10 years

The girl who hasn't brushed her teeth for 10 years appeared on the popular TV program
The girl who hasn't brushed her teeth for 10 years appeared on the popular TV program "Martian Virus."

Everyone has a special habit. However, sometimes they get so carried away as to shock others. “Martian Virus,” a popular TV program from tvN based in Seoul, introduces those with habits or characteristics that are grotesque, but those they are proud of nonetheless.

The show is to introduce a girl whose habit does match her beautiful outward appearance. Known as “Cutey Yellowish,” she stopped brushing her teeth a decade ago. The last time she remembers doing so was when her mother brushed teeth for her.

“I do not understand why people should brush teeth, as it is not like others will look into your mouth,” said Ji Hyun-ji, 20. “As food scrapples piles on, they will actually protect my teeth.”
She only wipes her front teeth with tissue on “special” occasions.

The show, which is to air April 5 at midnight, is planning to reveal dentists’ diagnosis, which they claim is the most shocking of their careers. Though Ji has forgotten how to brush her teeth, the program will also try to persuade Ji to do so again, according to producer Lee Geun-chan.

Kang Yoon-seung (
Intern reporter
Edited by Rob York

<한글 요악>

케이블 방송 tvN의 인기방송 ‘화성인 바이러스’에 근 10년 동안 이를 닦지 않은 얼짱 소녀가 출연을해 화제가 되고 있다.

올해 20살인 이 소녀는, “다른 사람들이 내 입 속을 들여다보는 것도 아닌데 굳이 양치질을 왜 해야 하는지 모르겠다,” 혹은 “음식물들이 내 치아에 쌓이면 오히려 치아를 보호해주는 거 같다” 등 제작진들을 충격에 빠트리는 발언을 했다.

약 10세 정도에 부모님이 이를 닦아 준 기억이 마지막이라는 기현지 양은 중요한 일이 있을 때만 물티슈로 앞이만 닦는다고 한다. 5일밤 방송되는 이 프로에서는 치과 의사는 “12년 치과생활 중 가장 충격적인 일이었다”고 소감을 밝혔다.