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89 percent of South Korean adults worry about natural disasters

Nine out of 10 South Korean adults are afraid of possible natural disasters, a report by the job portal site Saramin said Monday.

Out of 1,198 adults the Saramin website surveyed, more than 89 percent said they were afraid that a major natural disaster will occur in South Korea.

Furthermore, the survey revealed that 82.5 percent of adults are more frightened at thoughts of possible natural disasters than before ever since the deadly earthquake and tsunami hit Japan two weeks ago.

In the survey, 91.6 percent said Korea is unprepared for a natural disaster. Most adults answered that an earthquake would be the most frightening natural disaster at 43 percent. Second was a tsunami at 28.4 percent. A typhoon was voted third most-frightening at 8.1 percent, followed a volcanic eruption at 6.9 percent. Finally, flooding was picked by 5.3 percent.

When respondents were asked why they were afraid of a natural disaster, 66.4 percent said it was because they cannot predict the time and scale of the attack. More than 53.2 percent said it was because some natural disasters can be life-threatening. More than 51.9 percent said it was because most Korean buildings are vulnerable to earthquakes. The last major reason, at 39.7 percent, was because natural disasters can lead to social chaos such as public violence.

By Moon Ye-bin (
Intern reporter

Edited by Rob York

<관련 기사>

성인 89% "지진 등 자연재해 날까 불안"

우리나라 성인 10명 중 9명은 자연재해에 대해 불안감을 안고 있는 것으로 조사됐다.

21일 취업포털 사람인이 성인남녀 1천198명을 대상으로 조사한 결과에 따르면 응답자의 89%가 '우리나라에서도 대규모 자연재해가 일어날까 봐 불안하다'고  답했다.

특히 이들 중 82.5%는 '일본 대지진으로 불안감이 더 커졌다'고 응답했으며  우리나라의 자연재해 대비책에 대해서는 91.6%가 '미흡한 수준'이라고 답했다. 

가장 두려운 자연재해로는 '지진'을 꼽은 응답자가 43%로 가장 많았고 이어 '해일'(28.4%), '태풍'(8.1%), '화산 폭발'(6.9%), '홍수'(5.3%) 등의 답변이 뒤를  이었다.

자연재해가 두려운 이유(복수응답)에 대해서는 '시기와 규모를 예측할 수  없다는 점'이라는 답변이  66.4%로 가장 많았다.

또 '생명의 안전이 보장되지 않는다는 점'(53.8%), '내진설계 등 사전 대비가

미비하다는 점'(51.9%), '폭력 등 사회적 혼란이 발생하는 점'(39.7%) 등이 주된 이유로 지목됐다.
