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Earthquake Survival Guide to be available on smartphone apps

An earthquake survival manual will soon be distributed via news bulletins, smartphone apps and mobile games, the Seoul government said Tuesday.

The natural disaster survival guide will also be available on the Seoul Metropolitan and other provincial governments’ websites.

Elementary school children are hiding underneath the desk during a nationwide civil defense training. (Yonhap News)
Elementary school children are hiding underneath the desk during a nationwide civil defense training. (Yonhap News)

The manual will offer guidance on what action to take immediately after an earthquake strikes a residential area, shopping center, auditorium or elevator.

Information on advisory facilities, their working hours and emergency contact details will be regularly updated.

The Seoul government also said they will update the crisis management manual which includes 47 types of different disasters such as the earthquake, typhoon, heat wave and collapse of a large construction site by the end of this month.

By Moon Ye-bin (
Intern reporter

Edited by Kirsty Taylor

<관련 기사>

<日대지진> 서울시, 지진때 행동요령 매뉴얼 보급

서울시는 지진 발생 때 시민행동요령을 담은 매뉴얼을 스마트폰 앱, 모바일 게임, 반상회보 등을 활용해 보급하기로 했다고 15일 밝혔다.

서울시와 각 자치구 홈페이지에도 비상행동요령을 게재할 계획이다.

매뉴얼은 지진 발생 상황을 집안, 공연장, 백화점, 엘리베이터 안 등으로  분류해 행동요령을 제시하며, 관심·주의·경계·심각 등 4단계에 따른 공무원 비상근무 현황과 비상연락망도 알려준다.

서울시는 지진·태풍·폭염 등 자연재해나 대형공사장 붕괴 등과 같은 각종  재난에 대한 47종의 위기관리 매뉴얼도 이달 말까지 재정비할 계획이다.
