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TV actor Hyun Bin assigned to frontline Marine unit

Actor Hyun Bin (Yonhap News)
Actor Hyun Bin (Yonhap News)

A popular TV actor who enlisted in the Marine Corps last month for his mandatory military service has been assigned to serve on a frontline island on the Yellow Sea border with North Korea, Marine officials said Monday.

Hyun Bin, 29, who starred in "Secret Garden," one of this season's most popular TV dramas in South Korea, is scheduled to finish six weeks of basic training this week and will serve in the 6th Marine Brigade on Baengnyeong Island, the Marine Headquarters said in a statement.

The Marine Corps had preliminarily planned to assign Hyun to public relations duty at the Marine Headquarters in the city of Hwaseong, south of Seoul, but made the final decision on his assignment to show that he will not receive special treatment.

An official at the Marine Headquarters said, "The decision reflected people's hopes that actor Hyun Bin serves as an ordinary combat soldier."

Some critics had recently raised speculation that Hyun may receive special treatment as he was initially assigned to serve in PR, which is generally less dangerous.

All able-bodied South Korean men are required to serve at least two years in the military, which faces North Korea's 1.1 million-strong armed forces across a heavily guarded border.

(Yonhap News) 

<한글 기사>

해병대, '현빈' 백령도 6여단 전속배치

`모병홍보병 배치' 기존 입장 바꿔 

해병대사령부는 18일 포항 해병대 교육훈련단에 서 신병교육을 받고 있는 인기 배우 현빈(29.본명 김태평)을 서해 최전방 백령도의 해병대 6여단에 전속 배치하기로 했다고 밝혔다.

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해병대 관계자는 "김태평 훈련병이 일반 전투병으로 평범하게 근무하기를  원하 는 국민의 바람을 전향적으로 반영한 것"이라고 설명했다.

해병대는 지난 8일 현빈을 해병대 사령부의 모병홍보병으로 배치해 백령도  6여 단과 연평부대, 김포 2사단에서 해병대 특성화 훈련을 이수하도록 할 방침이라고 밝 혔다.

그러자 인터넷을 비롯한 일각에서는 '연예인에 대한 특혜'가 아니냐는 지적이 제기됐다. 김관진 국방장관도 지난 14일 언론사 부장단 초청 국방정책설명회에서  "개인적으로는 전방부대에서 다른 병사처럼 평범하게 근무토록 하는 게 어떨까 하는 생각"이라고 말했다.


