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One in 10 workers suffers workplace violence

One out of every 10 office workers has been assaulted at work, according to a recent survey.

SaramIn, an online recruiting agency, asked 1,951 members who are office workers and found 12.2 percent had been assaulted in their office. Immediate bosses were the largest portion of assailants at 66 percent, followed by CEOs and other executives (20.2 percent), seniors (16.8 percent) and those of equal seniority (7.1 percent). Subordinates made up 5.5 percent.

Of those having suffered assaults, 27.7 percent were kicked on their legs, followed by 27.3 percent saying they had been beaten on their heads with document files. Other commonly committed violence included punching, smacking and being collared.

The office was the most frequent place where violence occurred, with dining tables, rooftops and conference rooms following behind.

Most of the victims thought the violence had nothing to do with work. They said they had been assaulted mainly by bosses venting their stress. Some 31.1 percent thought there was no particular reason and 29.8 percent thought the assailants had some personal motivation. Only 13.4 percent thought they were beaten because they had not satisfactorily completed their work.

Most people chose to bear it while only 25.6 percent said they expressed discomfort, suggesting that many workers are exposed to violence but are passive when it occurs.

“It is a classic case of workplace violence. The hierarchical structure does not allow one to talk back or resist the superior,” said an office worker in his 30s, who wished to be identified by his family name Kang. He said he had been verbally insulted several times by his bosses and other superiors.

“But I think the culture is changing. More people are trying to solve the matter through conversation,” he added.

By Bae Ji-sook (

<한글 기사>

직장인 12% "일터서 폭행 당해봤다"

직장인 10명 중 1명은 일터에서 폭행을 당해본 것으로 조사됐다. 

22일 취업포털 사람인에 따르면 직장인 1천951명을 대상으로 '사내 신체적 폭력 경험'에 대해 설문 조사한 결과, 12.2%가 '폭행을 당한 경험이 있다'고 답했다. 

상사에게 폭행을 당했다는 응답이 66%(복수응답)로 가장 많았으며, 'CEO 및 임직원'(20.2%)이 다음을 차지했다. 

동기(7.1%)나 부하직원(5.5%)에게 폭행을 당해봤다는 대답도 있었다. 

어떤 종류의 폭행을 당했느냐는 질문에는 '다리로 차였다'가 27.7%로 가장 많았고 '서류 등으로 머리를 맞았다'(27.3%), '멱살을 잡혔다'(26.5%), '주먹으로 가격 당했다'(25.2%), '따귀 등을 맞았다'(21.8%) 등이 뒤를 이었다. 

폭행 장소로는 사무실 내(58.4%), 회식자리(20.6%), 옥상 등 사무실 외부(18.9%), 회의실(9.2%), 화장실(6.3%) 등의 답변이 나왔다. 

폭행을 당한 이유로는 31.9%가 '상대방이 스트레스를 풀기 위해서'라고 생각하고 있었고 '이유없다'는 응답도 31.1%를 차지했다. 

'업무를 제대로 못 해서'라는 응답은 13.4%에 그쳤다. 

폭행을 당한 뒤 대처에 대해서는 절반이 넘는 56.3%가 '그냥 참았다'고 답했다.

이밖에도 '그 자리에서 불쾌감을 표시했다'(25.6%), '퇴사의사를 밝혔다'(14.3%), '인간관계를 끊었다'(12.2%), '더 높은 상사에게 보고했다'(10.5%), '경찰, 노동부 등 관련기관에 신고했다'(7.1%) 등의 답변이 나왔다. 

사람인의 임민욱 팀장은 "사내 폭행은 주로 상사로 인해 발생하기 때문에 묵인 하거나 방조하는 경우가 많아 개선이 쉽지 않다"며 "기업 차원에서 옴부즈맨 제도 등 폭력을 예방하기 위한 제도 마련에 힘써야 한다"고 말했다.
