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Pirates face death penalty in Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR (AFP) — A Malaysian court on Friday charged seven suspected Somali pirates for firing at Malaysian forces during a Gulf of Aden raid to free a hijacked tanker, under laws that carry the death penalty.

Malaysia became the first nation in Asia to lay charges against suspected Somali pirates, as part of growing legal moves around the world to deal with the piracy crisis off lawless Somalia, which has surged in recent years.

A Somali pirate is escorted by a Malaysian police officer as he leaves Bukit Jalil Police Station in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Monday, Jan. 31, 2011. (AP-Yonhap)
A Somali pirate is escorted by a Malaysian police officer as he leaves Bukit Jalil Police Station in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Monday, Jan. 31, 2011. (AP-Yonhap)

Three of the accused brought to Malaysian court Friday are just 15 years old and if found guilty would not face the possibility of execution, a penalty that is carried out by hanging in Malaysia.

Looking calm, the young men dressed in orange jump suits with their hands cuffed behind their backs were brought under heavy security into a packed courtroom.

They were charged with firing at members of the Malaysian armed forces while committing a robbery, with the intention to cause death or injury, in the January 20 raid. They did not enter a plea.

The seven have been held on remand in Malaysia since January 31, when they arrived on board the tanker MT Bunga Laurel, which was seized by pirates along with its crew of 23 on January 20.

On the historic decision to charge the pirates, prosecutor Mohamad Abazafree Mohamad Abbas said Malaysia had the jurisdiction to put the pirates on trial since their alleged actions had threatened the security of Malaysians.





해적7명 유죄선고 받으면 교수형: 말연

 (쿠알라룸푸르 =연합) 말레이시아 사법당국은 11일(현지시각) 자국 선박을 납치하려 한 소말리아 해적 7명에 대해 무장강도 미수 등의 혐의로 기소했다.

수도 쿠알라룸푸르 소재 치안법원은 이날 해적들을 출정시킨 가운데 이같이 기소했으나, 해적들은 무죄를 주장했다.

이들 해적은 유죄선고를 받으면 교수형에 처해진다.

이들은 지난달 21일 아덴만 해역에서 싱가포르로 향하던 화학제품 운반선 '붕가로렐'을 납치하려다, 구조신호를 받고 출동한 말레이시아 해군부대와 총격전을 벌인 끝에 붙잡혔다. 이어 지난달 31일 말레이시아로 압송됐다.
아시아 국가에서 소말리아 해적이 기소되기는 이번이 처음이다.

이슬람 국가인 말레이시아에선 무장강도짓을 하려 했고 군부대에 총격을 가한 혐의가 유죄로 입증되면 현지 법률에 따라 사형에 처해진다.
그러나 이들 해적 7명중 3명은 올해 만 15세여서 유죄선고를 받더라도 처벌은 면하게 될 것으로 보인다.

앞서 말레이시아 변호사위원회는 현행 자국법률로 해적 처벌이 가능하다는 의견을 냈었다.
