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f(x) Krystal to star 'My Lovely Girl' with Rain

Krystal of f(x). (S.M. Entertainment)
Krystal of f(x). (S.M. Entertainment)

Krystal of girl group f(x) will co-star in MBC’s upcoming television series “My Lovely Girl” with singer-actor Rain, a local media outlet reported on Monday.

Krystal was confirmed for the romantic drama’s female lead, Sena, who dreams of becoming a top music producer. She is 12 years younger than Rain.

The broadcaster reportedly said, “We agreed that (Krystal) in fact would fit Sena’s role. She is chic, pure and strong-willed, which are all required for the role.”

The fact that the drama takes place in an entertainment label was also taken into consideration, they added.

When K-pop star and Hollywood actor Rain first signaled his return to the acting scene through “My Lovely Girl,” the big question was who will snatch the heroine’s part?

After Krystal was notified of the casting news, she reportedly said, “I can’t believe I will be on the same drama with Ji-hoon oppa (Rain). I never thought this would happen.”
