기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210809000891
2. Court confirms 4-year jail term for Cho Kuk’s wife
요약: 자녀 입시 비리와 사모펀드 투자 관련 혐의로 1심에서 실형을 선고받은 조국 전 법무부 장관의 배우자 정경심 동양대 교수가 항소심에서도 징역 4년을 선고받았다.
[1] An appellate court on Wednesday upheld a four-year prison term for Chung Kyung-sim, the wife of former Justice Minister Cho Kuk, for forging documents to help her daughter gain admission to medical school and for other actions concerning a private equity fund.
*appellate: 항소의, 상고의
*forge: 위조하다, 날조하다
*admission: 입학, 가입, 승인
[2] But the Seoul High Court lowered Chung’s fine to 50 million won and lowered her forfeiture to 10.61 million won. In December the Seoul Central District Court had fined her 500 million won and ordered her to forfeit 140 million won.
*fine: 벌금
*forfeiture: 추징금, 몰수물
[3] The 58-year-old Dongyang University professor was indicted in November last year on 15 charges, including falsifying official documents, obstruction of business, insider trading, embezzlement and withholding evidence.
*indict: 기소하다, 고발하다
*obstruction: 방해, 저지
*withhold: 억누르다, 보류하다
[4] The court ruled she was guilty of all the charges, having worked with her husband to falsify awards and other official documents by using the seal of a university president in 2012 to support her daughter’s medical school application from 2013 to 2014.
*falsify: 위조하다, 조작하다
*application: 신청서, 지원서
기사 원문: http://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20210811000728
[코리아헤럴드 팟캐스트 구독]
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