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[팟캐스트](385) 유럽외 지역에선 한국이 감염확산 제일 빨라 / 복지부, 논란 속 댄스 영상 삭제

진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. Korea’s COVID-19 surge among fastest outside Europe

[1] SEJONG -- South Korea has seen a 167.3 percent increase in the number of novel coronavirus infections over the past three months, higher than in major economies in South and Central America as well as in many other Asian nations.

*infection: 감염
*major: 주요한

[2] The cumulative tally of COVID-19 cases to date in Korea came to 61,769 as of Jan. 1, compared with 23,106 on Sept. 21, 2020, according to epidemiological data compiled by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering at Johns Hopkins University.

*cumulative: 누적된
*tally: 수치
*to date: ~오늘까지
*epidemiological data: 유행병 데이터

[3] Over the corresponding 101-day period, the increase rate for India, where the cumulative infection tally stood at No. 2 in the world, was 87.7 percent. For Brazil, No. 3 in the world, it was 69 percent.

*corresponding: 해당하는, 상응하는


2. Health Ministry takes down pandemic dance video after backlash

[1] The Ministry of Health and Welfare took down a video it had posted on social media encouraging dancing to beat the coronavirus blues. The video, uploaded New Year’s Day and deleted Saturday, drew criticism for being out of touch with the people as most of South Korea’s population lives in apartments.

*encourage: 장려하다
*beat: 이기다
*blues: 우울감

[2] The ministry apologized in a statement on Facebook, saying the video -- promoting dancing as a way to cope with the pandemic -- failed to consider “multiple issues including noise between floors.” “We apologize to the public. We have now made the video private,” the ministry said. The video is no longer available on Facebook or YouTube.

*promote: 홍보하다
*cope with: 대응하다
*consider: 고려하다
*no longer available: 더 이상 볼 수 없는

[3] The video shows five members of a family doing household chores in an apartment before being joined by a TV reporter and breaking out into a dance. Gatherings of five people or more are banned in Seoul and the surrounding area, and the same rule is set to take effect nationwide Monday. Families living in the same household are an exception.

*take effect: 발효되다
*are an exception: 예외되다

[4] According to recent data from Statistics Korea, nearly 6 in 10 dwellings throughout the country were apartments as of last year.

*dwelling: 거주지
