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Irish Embassy joins social media with new Twitter account

The Irish Embassy in Korea announced on Wednesday that following the embassy’s Twitter account @Irishembkorea is a good way to keep up to date with events at Ireland’s diplomatic mission here, as well as the expatriate Irish community in Korea.

Twitter followers of the Irish Embassy in Korea “will get updates and links from a range of things we think might interest you, with a particular focus on tweets from the Irish Department of Foreign Affairs, the Embassy network around the world and great sources back home,” the embassy said.

Recent tweets from the embassy include the commemoration of former U.S. President John F. Kennedy’s 1963 visit to Ireland and a link to an article published in The Korea Herald by Irish citizen Eimir McSwiggan about how she came to represent Ireland in the world ice-climbing championships.

There was also a tweet of photos from the Irish veterans of the Korean War who recently visited Korea on a special invitation by the Ministry of Veterans and Patriots Affairs.

Other announcements made by the embassy through its Twitter account include updates on yellow dust levels and information on contingency planning in case of another spike in inter-Korean tensions.
