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P.M. vows thorough probe into river project

Prime Minister Chung Hong-won vowed Friday to conduct a thorough investigation into the previous government’s highly controversial project to refurbish the country’s four major rivers.

The administration of then President Lee Myung-bak carried out the project in an attempt to prevent floods and promote tourism along the rivers, but environmental activists and the opposition party have long accused it of causing irreversible environmental damage.

There are also allegations that several local construction companies colluded to win bids for the project and created secret funds.

The prosecution has already launched an investigation into the allegations, while the government has said it will create a task force to look into all of the issues surrounding the project.

“Because the public have many doubts (about the project), the new government is determined to clear all suspicions and reveal (the truth),” the prime minister said during a parliamentary interpellation session.

“We plan to form (the task force) at an early date and carry out an objective and neutral investigation,” he said.

Meanwhile, Chung expressed reservations about a proposal to designate a weekday as an “alternative holiday” if a national holiday falls on Sunday.

While acknowledging that the proposed system could boost consumption and have other positive effects, the prime minister said there could also be “side effects” if it is introduced it into law.

“If it is uniformly applied by law, it will restrict the private sector,” he said, apparently referring to concerns that the system could put extra financial burdens on companies. (Yonhap News)