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Mexican Embassy offers help for Spanish-Korean translators

The Mexican Embassy is extending financial support for Korean translations of Spanish-language Mexican literature and other publications, the Mexican Embassy in Korea said in a statement on Thursday.

The Mexican Embassy will provide $15,000 for the translation and publication of specialized books in literature and the humanities that can be completed in 12 months, $15-20,000 for art books, and $30-50,000 for translation/publication series to be completed in two years or less.

The support for translations is part of a program geared toward increasing awareness of Mexican culture in Korea and fostering cultural exchange.

The launch of the new program is a product of coordination between a slew of government and private sector organizations, such as Mexico’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the country’s National Council for Culture and the Arts and National Fund for Culture and the Arts.

The first deadline for online registration for the financial assistance is June 6 and the second deadline is Jan. 14, 2014. General application guidelines are available on the website of the National Fund for Culture and the Arts.

For more information about the support program and the application, check out
