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Ex-sex slaves sue Japanese rock band

A group of elderly South Koreans forced by Japan into sexual slavery during World War II sued a Japanese rock band Monday for their song that named such former slaves as prostitutes.

The right-wing band made an extremely anti-South Korean music video in which the band named the former sex slaves, euphemistically called “comfort women,” as prostitutes and called for their death.

A CD of the music and a printout of its words translated into Korean were delivered to a shelter for former sex slaves in Gwangju, south of Seoul on Thursday, a day before the March 1st Independence Movement anniversary.

The eight women filed a complaint with the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office, calling for the punishment of the band for defamation, blackmail and other charges.

“(Japanese soldiers) forced me into sexual slavery when I was

14 or 15 years old. I am angry at them for claiming that they have not committed such (a crime),” Park Ok-sun, one of the victims told reporters before submitting the complaint.

Not much is known about the band, which had participated at an event held by a Japanese right-wing activist who was prosecuted in South Korea, according to the shelter.

Nobuyuki Suzuki, a member of an ultra-right Japanese party, was indicted earlier this month for setting up provocative wooden stakes in Seoul and Tokyo last year to lay claim to South Korea’s easternmost islets of Dokdo. (Yonhap News)