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Asia-Pacific Chamber Music Competition receives applications

The Australian Embassy is inviting talented young Korean chamber ensembles to apply for participation in this year’s Asia-Pacific Chamber Music Competition.

The deadline for submitting application forms with DVD audition recordings is March 11 and the APCMC is scheduled for July 8-14. Winners will receive cash prizes and support from Musica Viva Australia, the country’s oldest independent professional performing arts organization.

The competition is known as creating professional careers out of winners and participants alike.

The APCMC, organized by Chamber Music Australia and Melbourne Recital Centre in Melbourne, Australia, is open to the best young piano trios and string quartets from across the Asia and Pacific region.

Following an initial DVD Audition Round, a maximum of six piano trios and six string quartets will be invited to compete in Melbourne for substantial cash prizes and concert engagements.

For more information, go to Chamber Music Australia’s website:

By Philip Iglauer (