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Obama to visit Asia for first overseas trip after re-election

U.S. President Barack Obama has chosen Asia as the destination of his first overseas trip since re-election, according to the White House Thursday.

Obama is scheduled to visit Thailand, Burma and Cambodia Nov. 17-20, it said.

The trip comes as the Obama administration pushes to rebalance U.S. diplomacy towards Asia.

"In Thailand, he will meet with Prime Minister Yingluck to mark 180 years of diplomatic relations and reaffirm the strength of our alliance," the White House said in a press release. "In Burma, the President will meet with President Thein Sein and Aung San Suu Kyi and speak to civil society to encourage Burma's ongoing democratic transition."

Obama will then participate in the East Asia Summit to be held in Cambodia, which South Korean President Lee Myung-bak will also attend.

There has been no announcement of a bilateral meeting between Obama and Lee on the sidelines of the summit.

"During his interactions in the region he will discuss a broad range of issues including economic prosperity and job creation through increased trade and partnerships, energy and security cooperation, human rights, shared values and other issues of regional and global concern," the White House said. (Yonhap News)
