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Panel to shape Posco’s new CSR vision

Posco has launched a new committee consisting of outside directors and scholars to enhance the steelmaker’s presence as a socially responsible company, the company said Thursday.

The seven-member Corporate Citizenship Committee is chaired by former Sungkyunkwan University President Kim Jun-young, with professor Chang Sea-jin of the National University of Singapore and professor Kim In-hoe of Inha University’s law school serving as panelists.

Kim Jun-young, chairman of Posco’s Corporate Citizenship Committee (Posco)
Kim Jun-young, chairman of Posco’s Corporate Citizenship Committee (Posco)

The other panelists are Jang Seung-hwa, a law professor at Seoul National University; Park Heui-jae, an engineering professor at SNU; and Posco vice presidents Chon Jung-son and Kim Hag-dong.

The group will serve as advisors to Posco Chairman Choi Jeong-woo and will seek ways for the steel giant to become a more socially responsible entity and create the added value needed to improve society. It will hold quarterly meetings to set Posco’s new corporate social responsibility philosophy and seek new methods of realizing that vision, the company said.

When Choi assumed the chairmanship last year, he insisted on transforming the steelmaker’s role to that of a sustainable company that not only pursues profit but also seeks coexistence with people and communities, it added.

By Cho Chung-un (