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Former German FM says to visit N. Korea

Former German Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel has announced on Twitter that he will visit North Korea this month amid a standoff over North Korea's nuclear and missile programs.

Gabriel posted in the early hours of Friday morning that he would like to get an impression of North Korea, although he did not provide any specific time frame for his visit.


The announcement came as North Korean Vice Foreign Minister Choe Son-hui said Pyongyang is rethinking whether it will continue nuclear talks with the United States and maintain a moratorium on missile and nuclear tests.

On Friday, Choe said in an urgent meeting with diplomats and foreign media in Pyongyang that North Korea had no interest in engaging in "negotiations of this kind" and rejected US demands at the Hanoi summit, according to Russia's TASS news agency.

(Sigmar Gabriel, Twitter)
(Sigmar Gabriel, Twitter)

The summit ended without an agreement due to differences over the scope of North Korea's denuclearization and sanctions relief from the US. (Yonhap)