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Samsung SDS to bolster cloud security with ‘homomorphic encryption‘

Samsung SDS on Thursday pledged to bolster its security solution for cloud services by applying advanced encrypted technology to better protect client companies’ data both externally and internally.

At a press conference in Seoul, Samsung SDS introduced its latest cloud security total service against cyberattacks using newly developed technologies that include its homomorphic encryption.

Samsung SDS CEO Hong Won-pyo. Samsung SDS
Samsung SDS CEO Hong Won-pyo. Samsung SDS

In order to block hackers, the solution applies artificial intelligence with the threat intelligence accumulated by Samsung SDS to automatically detect, analyze and block cyberattacks, according to the company.

It also aims to prevent client companies’ data from leaking externally in advance by automatically monitoring the user’s moves, point of connection and device used.

Even if the data are leaked to outsiders, the company said it can render compromised assets useless. Data protection technology, such as white box cryptography and homomorphic encryption, can be used in the process.

“Samsung SDS will provide end-to-end cloud security services for applications, infrastructure and data,” CEO Hong Won-pyo said in a briefing. “We will develop cutting-edge technologies to provide top-class security service for cloud users.”

