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National Security Office reorganized to strengthen communication with US

President Moon Jae-in on Wednesday named new secretaries for peace and security strategy, completing the reorganization of the National Security Office.

The appointments, which follow changes in the organization of the National Security Office, appear to be aimed at strengthening cooperation and communication with the US on North Korea-related issues.

Choi Jong-kun was appointed to the newly established position of peace planning secretary, and Noh Kyu-duk as the secretary for security strategy. 

Noh Kyu-duk (left) and Choi Jong-kun. Cheong Wa Dae
Noh Kyu-duk (left) and Choi Jong-kun. Cheong Wa Dae

Noh is a career diplomat who until recently served as the spokesman of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Choi, a former international relations professor, had been serving as the secretary for arms control. His former post was replaced with the position of secretary for security strategy.

“The office of the peace planning secretary will deal mainly with matters regarding denuclearization,” Cheong Wa Dae spokesman Kim Eui-kyeom said.

The post was created to enable the peace planning secretary to oversee issues concerning cooperation with the US with regards to establishing peace on the Korean Peninsula, a Cheong Wa Dae official said.

The appointments follow the reshuffle and reorganization of the National Security Office.

Changes to the organization of the National Security Office were approved at the previous day’s Cabinet meeting.

Following the changes, secretaries for security strategy, defense reform and cyber information have been placed under the first deputy National Security Office chief. Secretaries for foreign policy, unification policy and peace are under the second deputy chief of the National Security Office.

On Feb. 28 Moon replaced the first and second deputy chiefs of the National Security Office, naming Kim You-geun and Kim Hyun-chong, respectively.

Kim You-geun is a retired Army lieutenant general who has held key posts, including that of the deputy chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Army deputy chief of staff. Kim Hyun-chong is a lawyer-turned-diplomat who has served as the country’s UN ambassador and trade minister on two occasions, most recently until his appointment to the National Security Office.

By Choi He-suk (