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Prosecutors arrest incumbent police officer for alleged brothel operation

The Incheon District Prosecutors’ Office has arrested a sitting high-level police officer of Hwaseong Dongtan Police Station in Gyeonggi Province for allegedly running a brothel while on duty as part of a squad cracking down on sex trade, prosecutors said Sunday.

The prosecution issued the arrest warrant as he was a flight risk, after questioning the suspect over the weekend.

The officer in question, surnamed Seo, 47, faces suspicions of operating a brothel led by a puppet boss for about two years from 2017 while posted to Osan Police Station, where he was part of a team overseeing a crackdown on prostitution. 


Prosecutors said they had raided Seo’s house, seizing his car and cellphone last week, and arrested him without a warrant on the same day.

Authorities added they are looking into the source of a 60 million won ($53,215) bundle of cash found in the trunk of Seo’s car.

The investigation is widely expected to expand to target Seo’s colleagues as there is a possibility that other police officers may be linked to the case. 

By Kim Bo-gyung (