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[팟캐스트] (289) 승리 성접대,마약의혹 전면부인, 황교안 전 총리 한국당 대표 당선

진행자: 김보경, Paul Kerry

1. BIGBANG's Seungri denies drug, sex-for-favors allegations in police questioning

Seungri of the popular boy group BIGBANG denied drug use and sex-for-favors allegations during a questioning, police said Thursday.

*deny: 부인
*sex-for-favor: 성접대
*questioning: 조사

An investigation team of the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency sent him back home after grilling him overnight.

*Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency: 서울광역수사대
*grill: 질문공세, 닦달

The 29-year-old singer, during the questioning, denied all suspicions surrounding him ranging from narcotics use to attempting to buy sex services for potential foreign investors.

*suspicion: 의혹
*narcotics use: 마약 투약
*attempt: 시도
*potential: 잠재적인

He, in particular, stated that he never exchanged the text messages disclosed by an Internet newspaper as proof of his sex-for-favors suspicions and even has no memory of what happened that day more than three years ago.

*disclose: 공개

On Tuesday, the Internet media site reported that the singer-businessman used various nightclubs in Seoul's posh Gangnam area as places for lobbying and even attempted to escort women to the foreigners in exchange for their potential investment in his businesses at one of the nightclubs.

* singer-businessman: 가수겸 사업가
*various: 다양한
*posh: 화려한

2. Ex-Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn elected Liberty Korea Party chief

GOYANG, Gyeonggi Province -- South Korea’s main opposition Liberty Korea Party on Wednesday chose former Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-ahn as its chief, alongside new supreme council members to head the party for the next two years, including the upcoming general election and presidential election, the party said Wednesday.

*supreme council member: 최고위원
*general election: 총선
*presidential election: 대선

The new leadership is tasked with leading the conservative party in next year’s general elections amid falling support from the public due to controversial comments made by some party members on issues such as the Gwangju Democratic Uprising and the impeachment of former President Park Geun-hye.

*task: 업무
*conservative party: 보수 정당
* controversial: 논란
* Gwangju Democratic Uprising: 광주 5.18 혁명
*impeachment: 탄핵

“Thank you. I have received a crucial order from party members. I will return the support and wishes with new politics and lead the Liberty Korea Party and South Korea to rise again. The Liberty Korea Party is one team,” Hwang said during his acceptance speech at Kintex in Goyang, Gyeonggi Province.

*crucial: 중대한
*wishes: 염원
* acceptance speech: 수락 연설
