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Paroled murderer charged with larceny

A 60-year-old murderer who was paroled in October is now charged with larceny after being accused of stealing a wallet in a Gwangju internet cafe in January. As a result, his parole may be revoked.

The man was originally sentenced to 11 years in jail in 2009 for murdering a Gwangju-based karaoke owner with whom he was having an affair. When he was originally questioned by police in connection with the murder, he unsuccessfully argued that the victim’s death was an accident and that a refrigerator had fallen on her. 


After 10 years in prison, the man was released on parole on the condition that he wear an electronic monitor so the police could keep track of his whereabouts.

He got a job as a delivery man, but allegedly told police he had turned to theft because he was short of money. He is suspected of stealing a wallet from a customer in an internet cafe on Jan. 31. The wallet held 50,000 won ($44) worth of cash and a credit card.

Gwangju Bukbu police caught the man after a long chase and requested an arrest warrant for larceny on Wednesday.

If the arrest warrant is issued, the man’s parole will be revoked and he will have to serve the rest of his sentence.

Police did not mention the man’s name, but the details correspond with a 2009 murder trial reported in the media involving a defendant surnamed Ju.

By Lee Tae-hee (