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[팟캐스트] (9) 민주당 원내외 투쟁 병행

DP returns to parliament vowing to up pressure on government


지난 월요일 민주당은 의원총회를 열어 국회 내외에서 투쟁을 강화하기로 했다. 민주당이 국회복귀를 선언하면서 국회정상화를 앞두고 있지만, 정기국회를 통해 원내투쟁을 강화해 나아가겠다는 입장이어서 국정감사, 예산심사 등 의사일정이 원만하게 진행되기는 힘들 전망이다.

The regular session of the National Assembly is to get back on track as the main opposition Democratic Party returns to parliament, more than three weeks into its 100-day schedule.
* regular session: 정기국회
* back on track: 다시 정상 궤도에 들어선

The DP, which was left without means to end its street campaign without losing face after its demands were effectively denied by President Park Geun-hye on Sept. 16, is promising a tough session.
*Losing face: 체면을 잃다 (반의어: saving face)

Speaking at the party’s general meeting on Monday, DP chairman Rep. Kim Han-gil said that the party would raise the pressure on the government both within and outside the parliament, calling on DP lawmakers to treat parliamentary procedures as matters of “life and death.”
* Life and death: 생사[사활]가 걸린, 목숨을 건

“It is the privilege and duty of opposition lawmakers to fight within the parliament. That is also the right way to gain the public’s support,” Kim said.
* privilege: 특전, 특혜

Kim also requested DP floor leader Rep. Jun Byung-hun to head the “24-hour emergency parliamentary operations headquarters.” Kim also called on all DP lawmakers to remain within the grounds of the National Assembly around the clock except when aiding the party’s street campaign.
* floor leader: 원내대표
* around the clock: 24시간 내내[밤낮으로]

Jun, a hardliner who took the post in May, has warned in a recent interview that the party would resist motions it deems undesirable to prove to the ruling Saenuri Party and the president that state affairs cannot be conducted without the cooperation of the main opposition.
* hardliner: 강경파

In addition to issues regarding government operations and legislations, the DP is gearing up to raise allegations surrounding the resignation of Prosecutor General Chae Dong-wook as a key issue.
* allegations: 혐의

Chae has been accused of having a son through an extramarital affair, and was allegedly pressured by the Ministry of Justice and the presidential office to resign.
* extramarital affair: 혼외정사

While the DP is returning to the parliament, the party also plans to intensify its street campaign with its chairman taking the lead.

The DP has been staging a street campaign to pressure the government and the ruling Saenuri Party over issues surrounding the National Intelligence Service’s alleged involvement in last year’s presidential election since August.
* intensify: 강화하다

As for the street campaign, Kim said that he will tour the country to promote the party’s cause, and that he will form an alliance with like-minded nongovernmental organizations and prominent figures.
* Like-minded: 생각[뜻]이 비슷한


