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[팟캐스트] (10) 헤이글 미국방장관, 북한에 대한 경계 강조

Hagel focuses on vigilance on N.K.

척 헤이글 미 국방장관이 김관진 한국 국방장관과 함께 9월 30일 비무장 지대를 방문해 군 장병들을 격려하고, 북한에 대한 경계를 강조했다. 10월 2일에는 전시작전통제권 전환 연기, 맞춤형 대북억제전략 마련, 사이버 안보 협력 등 한미간 안보현안을 연례안보협의회에서 논의한다.


U.S. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel on Monday toured the Demilitarized Zone separating the two Koreas as he began his official schedule here to discuss key security arrangements with Seoul and mark the 60th anniversary of their alliance.
*demilitarized zone: 비무장 지대
*mark: 기념하다

“This is a very important location for our relations and probably there is a clear identification of the ROK (Republic of Korea)-U.S. partnership here more than anywhere else,” Hagel told reporters at an observation post in the 4-kilometer-wide buffer zone.
“This is obviously a critical area that assures our joint vigilance for the security and safety of South Korea.”
*observation post: 감시초소, 관측소
*buffer zone: 완충지대
*critical: 결정적인, 중요한, 비판적인

The two countries on Tuesday celebrate the 60-year-old alliance that has been credited by both sides with deterring North Korean aggression and preserving peace in Northeast Asia.
*credit A with B: A에게 B의 공을 돌리다.

The Pentagon chief touched down in Seoul on Sunday for a four-day schedule that includes his attendance at the allies’ annual Security Consultative meeting where Seoul’s request to reconsider the timing of wartime operational control is expected to top the agenda. It is Hagel’s first visit to Seoul as the Pentagon chief since he took office in February.
*touch down: 착륙하다
*attendance: 참석
*Security Consultative Meeting: 연례안보협의회
*wartime operational control: 전시작전통제권
*top the agenda: 안건의 우선순위에 놓이다

Hagel along with his South Korean counterpart Kim Kwan-jin walked around the DMZ close to the tense military demarcation line in a show of unity amid signs of Pyongyang reactivating its nuclear facilities.
*counterpart: (수평적인) 상대
*tense: 긴장의
*unity: 단합
*signs: 징조, 징후
*reactivate: 재활성화 하다

Satellite images and news reports have recently suggested the North expanded its main nuclear facility in Yongbyon and restarted a graphite-moderated reactor to extract plutonium for nuclear warheads.
*satellite: 인공위성
*suggest: 암시하다
*restart: 다시 시작하다
*graphite: 흑연
*reactor: 원자로
*extract: 추출하다.

“This is probably the only place in the world where we have always a risk of confrontation, where two sides are looking clearly and directly at each other,” he said at the inter-Korean border village of Panmunjeom.
*risk: 위험
*confrontation: 대결

The defense chiefs are to sit for the SCM on Wednesday, where they are to discuss the proposed delay in the OPCON transfer; the creating of their “tailored” deterrence strategy against North Korea’s nuclear arms and other weapons of mass destruction; and enhanced cooperation in the realms of space and cyberspace.
*tailor: 맞추다. 재단하다.
*weapons of mass destruction: 대량살상무기
*realm: 영역


