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[팟캐스트] (11) 남북정상회담 회의록 논란



검찰은 7일 남북정상회담 회의록 폐기 의혹과 관련, 참여정부 시절 청와대에서 근무한 임상경 전 대통령 기록관리비서관을 소환해 조사했다. 검찰은 임 전 비서관을 상대로 2007년 남북정상회담 대화록(회의록)이 청와대 문서관리시스템 '이지원'에서 삭제된 경위와 국가기록원 대통령기록관으로 이관되지 않은 과정에 관해 조사했다. 수사와 관련 검찰은 봉하 이지원이 제일 중요한 “키(key)”가 아닌가 싶다라고 말했다.

(1) Prosecutors on Monday summoned former presidential records secretary Im Sang-kyeong in their stepped-up probe into the suspected deletion and failed handover of the transcript of the 2007 inter-Korean summit.

*summon: 소환하다, 부르다
*records secretary: 기록(관리)비서관 (다른 비서관, 수석비서관)
*suspected: 의심나는 (be suspected of: ~의 혐의를 받다 (examples)
*summit (talks): 정상회담 (summit 산정상, 정상, 대통령)

(2) Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office was expected to focus questioning on the events that led to the deletion of the records from Cheong Wa Dae’s e-Jiwon database system, and the reason for the data not having been transferred to the National Archives.

*Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office: 서울중앙지방검찰청 (다른 청)
*deletion: 삭제
*National Archives: 국가기록원

(3) Im was the first of some 30 aides and officials to be summoned by the prosecutors from this week. Sources said Democratic Party Rep. Moon Jae-in, who was chief of staff to late President Roh Moo-hyun and last year’s presidential candidate, may also be called in.

*chief of staff: 대통령 비서실장 (chief secretary, staff의 의미)
*presidential candidate: 대통령 후보 (다른 가능 표현)
*call (somebody/something) in: 부르다 (회수하다)

(4) Im served as the archives secretary from 2006 to December 2007 and oversaw the preparation for the transfer of presidential records at the end of Roh’s administration. In 2008, Im served as the founding head of the Presidential Archives.

*oversee: 감독하다 (over+see(overall) 동의어)
*administration: 관리, 행정, 행정부, 정권
*founding: 설립의 (founding member)

(5) Last week, the prosecutors announced that the transcript containing the allegedly controversial comments made by Roh during his meeting with then-leader of North Korea Kim Jong-il over the Northern Limit Line border was never transferred to the National Archives. 

*containing: (무엇의 안에 또는 그 일부로)…이 들어(함유되어) 있는 (ing형)
*allegedly: 이른바, 주장하는(전해진) 바에 의하면 (기사에 많이 사용)
*controversial: 논란이 많은 (controversy)
*Northern Limit Line: 북방한계선 (Southern Limit Line)

(6) They also said that they discovered and reconstructed a deleted version that has “significant differences” with the copy held by the National Intelligence Service and another version found in the e-Jiwon system taken to Roh’s retirement home in Bongha.

*reconstruct: 재건/복원하다
*significant: 중요한/의미 있는
*retirement home: 은퇴 후 주거지, 양로원

(7) Prosecutors are currently looking into who ordered the deletion of the transcript in question and how and why the deletion took place. Attention is also focused on the difference in content between the deleted draft and the draft found at Bongha.

*in question: 문제의/논의가 되고 있는
*take place: 개최되다/일어나다 (happened 발생하다)

(8) “Bongha e-Jiwon seems to hold the most important key. We are looking into every single detail thoroughly,” a prosecution official said.

*look into: 들여다보다, 조사하다
*every single: (최후의) 단 하나도 

(9) They said they plan to summon witnesses one by one that will include officials who had been in charge of maintaining the archives and developing the e-Jiwon system, as well as former speech secretary Kim Kyung-soo, who is now the director at the Roh Moo-hyun Foundation.

*maintain: 유지/관리하다


