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[팟캐스트] (337) 정부, 우한에 전세기 투입 예정/ 북한도 '우한 폐렴' 초비상


진행자: 김보경, Kevin Lee Selzer
1.   S. Korea to bring back citizens from Wuhan

[1] South Korean nationals in Wuhan, China, will be flown back to the country on four chartered flights this week as part of Seoul’s response to the coronavirus outbreak.

*charter flight: 전세기
*outbreak: 발생

[2] “About 700 Koreans in Wuhan have expressed hopes to return, and chartered planes will be sent on Jan. 30 and Jan. 31,” Second Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Lee Tae-ho said Tuesday.

*expressed hopes: 희망을 표하다

[3] He added that the dates of the flights may be changed, depending on the ongoing negotiations with Beijing

*ongoing: 진행 중인

[4] Lee said the decision was made in light of medical facilities in the 
Chinese city reaching saturation point and Beijing’s decision to shut down flights out of the city.

*in light of A: A를 고려하여
*saturation point: 포화점

[5] Koreans returning on the flights will be quarantined as a preemptive measure against the virus spreading in Korea. The facilities to be used have not been determined yet, and the government is considering using training facilities for civil servants.

*quarantined: 격리되다
*preemptive: 예방의
*civil servant: 공무원


2.   North Korea on high alert to contain Wuhan coronavirus

[1] North Korea is on high alert to contain the spread of the Wuhan coronavirus and is stepping up quarantine efforts, as the deadly respiratory virus that originated in China continues to spread across Asia and the world. 

*on high alert: 비상 태세
*originate: 발병하다

[2] Pyongyang’s official newspaper, the Rodong Sinmun on Tuesday said the government has taken emergency measures to prevent the virus from spreading in the country, as it shares a border with China. The newly identified respiratory virus has killed over 100 people in mainland China as of Tuesday, and infected more than 4,000 people around the world since it first emerged in the city of Wuhan in December.

*shares a border: 국경지역
*emerge: 발병

[3] North Korea, however, has yet to report a confirmed case of its own.
According to the report, health authorities have been dispatched to all regions across North Korea to promote public hygiene, while the government has stepped up quarantine efforts at borders, ports and airports to prevent “the virus from entering the country.”

*dispatch: 파견되다
*public hygiene: 공중 위생

[5] Health authorities have been medically monitoring those who traveled abroad. They have also prepared a quarantine system, if a suspected case is detected.

*monitor: 감시, 관찰
*travel abroad: 해외 여행

