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Son Yeol-eum, Clara-Jumi Kang recital to be streamed online

Violinist Clara-Jumi Kang (left) and pianist Son Yeol-eum (Credia)
Violinist Clara-Jumi Kang (left) and pianist Son Yeol-eum (Credia)

A much-awaited recital from pianist Son Yeol-eum and violinist Clara-Jumi Kang will be held online Friday without a live audience.

Credia, organizer of the duo recital, announced Wednesday that Friday’s recital will be held without an audience for safety reasons.

The recital was to be held at the Lotte Concert Hall, with audience members sitting in every other seat. The venue had been moved from the Seoul Arts Center as state-run cultural facilities were shut down under social distancing rules.

Afterthe stricter Level 2 social distancing rules went into effect, the organizer decided to move the recital online.

Son and Kang, known to be close friends, will perform Ravel’s Violin Sonata No.1 in A major, M. 12, Stravinsky’s Divertimento from “The Fairy’s Kiss”; Prokofiev’s Five Melodies for Violin and Piano, Op. 35 and Richard Strauss’ Sonata for Violin and Piano in E flat major, Op. 18.

The recital will be livestreamed on Credia’s YouTube channel on Friday evening starting at 7:50 p.m.

By Im Eun-byel (