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B1A4 enjoys being “solo”

Members of popular idol group B1A4 shared their thoughts about being “solo” during an interview with a local news outlet on Sunday.

B1A4 (Mnet)
B1A4 (Mnet)
What are the benefits of being a “solo”?

Jinyoung: Being single is good because I can do all the things I want independently. For example, I can watch all genres of movie I like regardless of others’ preference.

Shinwoo: I can have free time of my own. I can devote to myself because I will not be spending my energy on others.

Sandeul: I think I can deeply fall for something that I do. I don’t have to worry about wearing nice clothes and can spend money on other things besides dating.

Baro: I will have a lot of time for myself. During the weekends or free days, I can stay at home and rest.

Gongchan: I can spend time on my hobbies. I can ride a bicycle around the river and pick whatever I would like to eat.

What are your tips for enjoying “Solo Day”?

Jinyoung: I like watching movies. Whenever I have time, I buy popcorn and soda and enjoy movies with my friends or (B1A4) members.

Shinwoo: Nothing’s better than resting at home lying down. I will eat what I want and sleep when I want to. Just thinking about it makes me happy.

Sandeul: I am an outgoing person, so I would definitely go out and have fun with my friends. I want to play games or exercise or just stay in my room playing the piano and singing all the songs I like to sing.

Baro: I will grab a backpack and go anywhere. I don’t have the time to do so now, but if I do someday, I would like to go somewhere.

Gongchan: I will put on the air conditioner and stay home, eating watermelon and playing games or watching movies. It would be the best summer “solo day.”

The group released its new EP “Solo Day” on July 14.

By Kim Min-jin, Intern reporter (