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[팟캐스트] (301) WHO의 '게임중독' 질병 결정 유력 / 새로운 BTS 서적 작가와 인터뷰

진행자: 임현수 (Yim Hyun-su), Paul Kerry

1.Game industry holds breath for this week’s WHO decision on gaming disorder

기사요약: WHO는 이번 주에 게임 중독증을 공식적으로 질병으로 분류할지 결정할 예정이다.

[1] The South Korean gaming industry is waiting on tiptoes for the impending final decision of the World Health Organization on whether to classify video game addiction as a disease.

On tiptoes: 열망하며
Impending: 곧 닥칠
Classify: 분류하다

[2] The World Health Assembly, the decision-making body of the WHO, will convene from Monday through May 28 in Geneva, Switzerland, to discuss various policy matters, including the question of game addiction.

Decision-making: 결정을 하는
Body: 조직
Convene: 소집하다

[3] The WHO classified video game addiction as a disorder in the 11th Revision of the International Classification of Diseases, or ICD-11, in June 2018. For gaming disorder to be diagnosed, the WHO said, a behavior pattern of impaired control over gaming would have to be evident for at least 12 months, hindering a person’s daily activities.

Revision: 수정사항
Impaired: 손상된
Hinder: 방해하다

[4] Should the member nations agree to add game addiction to the ICD-11 at this year’s assembly, starting in 2022 each nation would be responsible for introducing new health care policies to address it.

ICD: the International Classification of Diseases

[5] Experts advocating the benefits of controlled gaming held a Game Science Forum in Seoul at the end of April, arguing that the WHO’s ICD-11 pathologizes gaming without sufficient evidence.

Pathologize: 병으로 인정하는

기사 링크:

2. Entertainment news reporter says BTS opened up new paradigm for K-pop

기사요약: 새로 BTS 관련 서적을 낸 연예 기자는 코리아 헤럴드와 인터뷰를 통해 그들의 성공비결을 이야기 했다.

[1] A veteran entertainment news reporter with almost 20 years of experience has written a book about K-pop boy band BTS and its global success.

veteran: (어떤 분야의) 베테랑

[2] In “BTS K-pop,” Herald Business reporter Seo Byung-ki analyzes what has come to be called BTS syndrome.

Herald Business: 헤럴드경제
What has come to: ~해 왔다

[3] “There are already around 10 books that deal with the BTS syndrome. Many of them, written by professors, take a philosophical view on BTS’ narrative structure, fandom or communication. I thought my book should have a different approach, so I did what I could do best,” Seo told The Korea Herald.

Fandom: 팬덤, 팬층

[4] Reflecting the writer’s experience covering the entertainment scene, the book explores what made BTS successful and suggests how the K-pop industry should evolve.

Cover: (기자나 언론이 어떤 토픽을) 다루다

[5] According to Seo, BTS’ message is to find oneself and to love oneself. By having its own message, BTS has become an artist.

Find oneself: 자신을 깨닫다.

[6] “This book targets ‘Army’ (BTS fandom),” he said. “In writing this book, I communicated with BTS’ global fans via email. And I have never gotten this much help in my life. They wrote to me with passion and dedication. All this can happen only because they really love BTS. They empathize with BTS’ music, message and even more.”

Empathize with: ~와 공감하다.
