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[팟캐스트] (277) 청와대 국민 청원, 카풀 반대 집회

진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. Presidential petition: platform for constructive proposals or witch hunt?

기사요약: 청와대 국민청원 시스템의 효용성을 다시 생각해 보는 기획 기사. 셀 수 없는 국민의견이 범람하는 이 청와대 온라인 청원 사이트에선 한 청원에 20만명 이상 서명이 모이면 사안에 대해 청와대가 공식입장을 발표한다. 최근 논란을 빚었던 ‘웹하드 카르텔’ 양진호 회장, 강서구 주차장 살인사건, PC방 살인사건, 이수역 폭행사건 등 모두 청원이 올라온 바 있다. 

[1] A slow news day? Look no further than the electronic petition system run by the presidential office for raging public debates on everything from the highly personal request of extending summer vacations to highly divisive and unaddressed grievances that all ask for the immediate attention of the Blue House.

*raging: 맹렬한, 격한
*divisive: 분열을 초래하는
*unaddressed grievance: 해결되지 않은 고충
*immediate attention: 즉각적인 대응

[2] The online petition system, which allows people to file a petition anonymously, has seen more than 357,000 petitions made since it was launched in August 2017 by the Moon Jae-in administration. And with the government’s pledge to respond to petitions that gain more than 200,000 signatures within a month, the online petition board has become a popular route for Koreans to express their concerns and complaints to the president.

*file a petition: 청원을 넣다
*pledge: 약속
*signature: 서명
*concerns and complaints: 고민과 불만

[3] “I think it is great that anyone can raise an issue on the presidential e-petition system,” Kim Han-sem, an office worker in Seoul, told The Korea Herald. “I do not think there was a place for us to express our problems or call for help in this way before.”

*express: 표현하다
*call for help: 도움을 요청하다

[4] The petitions, ranging from those related to trivial daily difficulties to crimes and unfair judgment, have triggered discussions on social norms, ethics and the law, reflecting the public sentiment.

*trivial: 사소한
*unfair: 불공정한
*trigger: 촉발하다
*reflect: 반영하다
*public sentiment: 여론


2. Taxi drivers to hold mass rally Dec. 20 over carpool service

기사요약: 지난 10일 카풀 반대 집회에서 한 택시기사가 분신을 하며 택시업계는 20일 대규모 국회 앞 농성을 예고했다.

[1] The conflict between the country’s taxi industry and information technology giant Kakao has escalated to new heights after a taxi driver burned himself to death in protest.

*conflict: 갈등
*escalate: 치솟다
*burn himself to death: 분신하다 (self-immolation)

[2] The taxi unions, which have staged multiple protests demanding that Kakao withdraw its plans to engage in the transportation business in South Korea, said Tuesday that they will hold another rally Dec. 20 in front of the National Assembly. Beginning Wednesday, some union members will set up tents and hold sit-in demonstrations around the parliament, they added.

*stage: 벌이다
*rally: 시위 (protest, demonstration)
*sit-in: 연좌

[3] “We plan to surround the National Assembly with 10,000 taxis and block the Seogang Bridge. We will not avoid physical fights with the police. We will not care about violating the law. We will fight for the next generation,” Kang said.

*surround: 에워싸다
*avoid: 피하다
*violate the law: 법을 어기다
