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[팟캐스트] (285) 20대 남성 절반이 반페미니즘, 넷플릭스 '킹덤' 기술력


진행자: 임정요, Kevin Lee Selzer

1. Netflix attributes popularity of ‘Kingdom’ to technological innovation

기사요약: 넷플릭스 오리지널 신작 '킹덤'의 성공비결에 혁신적인 더빙과 자막기술이 뒷받침 되었다는 시사회 발표 내용.

[1] Without Netflix’s innovative technologies, period drama “Kingdom” might have been tough for foreign viewers to understand, as the series set in 17th century Korea features a wide range of historical and cultural elements as well as forms of language used by different social classes.

*innovative: 혁신적인
*period drama: 사극
*elements: 요소
*social class: 사회 계층

[2] But visual and voice technologies developed by Netflix have made the drama accessible to global audiences, according to the company.

“We are a double helix -- both a technology company and an entertainment company,” said Andy Law, director of product design at the mobile and web branch of Netflix, at a preview of “Kingdom” in Seoul on Jan. 24. “We marry the two to advance both our member experience and how stories are created and told to the world.”

*accessible: 접근가능한
*double helix: 이중나선 구조
*preview: 시사회
*marry: 잇다, 합치다
*advance: 전진시키다

[3] Chief among the technologies are dubbing and subtitle technology designed to deliver the period drama without being lost in translation, especially since Kingdom has been released in 190 countries in 27 languages.

*deliver: 제공하다
*lost in translation: 오역되다, 번역 중 의미가 퇴색되다


2. Half of men in 20s show anti-feminist tendencies

기사요약: 대한민국 20대 남성 인구 중 절반이 페미니즘에 반대하는 성향을 보인다는 연구 결과가 나왔다.

[1] Over half of South Korean men in their 20s have anti-feminist attitudes and engage in a “hostile” form of gender discrimination, a recent survey shows.

According to the results of an online survey conducted by the Korean Women’s Development Institute, 50.5 percent of respondents in their 20s fell into this category, whereas such attitudes were less prevalent among older men. For example, only 38.7 percent of those in their 30s and 18.4 percent of those in their 40s fell into the same category. For men in their 50s, that figure fell to 9.5 percent.

*attitude: 태도
*engage: 관계를 맺다
*hostile: 적대적인
*gender discrimination: 성차별
*fall into a category: 분류되다
*prevalent: 만연하다

[2] “Half of men in their 20s do not consider women to be weaker than men or require (extra) consideration based on hostile gender discrimination,” the institute said in the report. “To men in their 20s, women appear to have equal, and sometimes more, authority than men, but (they also have) higher demands,” the institute said.

*consideration: 배려
*authority: 권위
*demand: 요구사항

[3] The other categories that respondents fell into were called the “benevolent patriarchy” group and the egalitarian group.

Men with a “benevolent patriarchy” mindset consider women to be weaker, and give favorable treatment to women who do not challenge male authority. Egalitarians, on the other hand, do not consider women weaker and display no hostility toward feminism or toward women who challenge male authority.

*benevolent patriarchy: 온정적 가부장주의
*give favorable treatment: 편의를 봐주다
*challenge: 도전하다
*egalitarian: 평등주의자

