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Pianist Cho Seong-jin’s recital to be streamed on YouTube

Pianist Cho Seong-jin will share his solo recital with the global audiences online from Berlin.

According to label Deutsche Grammophon, Cho’s solo recital will be held at the Meistersaal, a historic concert hall in Berlin. The recital, conducted without the actual presence of audiences, will be streamed via DG’s YouTube channel on Saturday. 

(Deutsche Grammophon)
(Deutsche Grammophon)

The exact program has not been revealed yet, but will include works from his upcoming album, and often presented repertoires.

The recital is part of the label’s “Moment Musical” series, an online recital project to share music with the wider audience amid the virus pandemic crisis, which began on March 27.

Cho’s upcoming album “The Wanderer” under DG will be released in South Korea on May 8, including Schubert’s Fantasy in C major, D, 760, known as the Wanderer Fantasy; Berg’s Piano Sonata, Op. 1; and Liszt’s Piano Sonata in B minor, S 178.

Cho posted the poster image of Saturday’s performance on his social media account, commenting, “I am excited to share news of the upcoming livestream.”

The recital will be streamed at 11 p.m. in Korea.

By Im Eun-byel (